Kidnapped and stolen from homeland Their capture was brutal and inhuman For a terrible voyage each was branded Hot coals to the skin was much dreaded Packed into hot and dark holds of slave ships Everything were they given accompanied by whips Surviving a loathsome and terrible voyage Death was an only way out of bondage Years have passed since slave trade ended Still many live in fear and some in hatred Some willfully go into worst slavery Thinking not of freedom because they move freely Unfortunately everyone is born a slave But can choose to whom he/she is enslaved Fearfully many go for evil And become slaves to the devil When oft with luxury they are blindfolded Many forget life after they are dead But unto God we are not slaves but sons Wearing crowns as bright as the sun On the day of that great morning When in beauty it shall be dawning Which gate unto you shall be open That to peace or to an oven Written by Precious Eze For Favour Bulletin
Inspirational poems and creative articles.