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Dear friends, How are you doing and how has the year been? yes i know its been filled with sweet and bitter experiences but you are alive so there is something to thank God for. Today, i want to share some vital questions we need to ask ourselves in order to make our today better than yesterday and our tomorrow better than today. There are numerous questions but lets consider these ten(10). 1. What areas in my life am I growing in? 2. Are there areas where I can use some help? 3. Are there people I need to thank in my life? 4. Are there people I need to forgive in my life? 5. Are there people I need to do away with? 6. Are there investments I need to make? 7. Are there people I need to associate with? 8. Are there books I need to read? 9. Do I have a picture of my tomorrow? 10. What scripture is my life based on? If you can answer these questions sincerely and apply positive solutions to them, then you will see things working well for you. You can add more of...


I was down and felt depressed Tried to get up but was still distressed Oh! how torn apart my heart is All because of abusive words I tried to get up But kept on falling Hoped to hear, but no one was calling And I almost gave up His words were so harsh Hers was so cruel Words of discouragement everyday Words of hopelessness every time But as I searched the word The only word that brings hope The words of God himself- The holy scriptures I heard him say That His thoughts towards me are good... To give me a future and hope I no longer care what people say (Always remember that a gentle word like summer rain can soothe the heart and banish pain) From my archives Alice Asuquo


To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patched or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you lived; This is to have succeeded. ~~Ralph Waldo Emerson To you my beloved friends who visit my blog, you are a success and you will keep succeeding. Have a successful new month!!!! With love from Alice Asuquo


She has grown so fast From childhood to adulthood Now she is mature With little wrinkles and Strands of grey hair The journey to this age hasnt been easy She has fought so many battles... Tribalism, nepotism,religious wars and the likes This is typical of a mother with many children Some are from the north, others south, east and west With diverse culture, language and religion She has been in the struggle of uniting them thus far A mother of mothers Nigeria has proven itself strong At 55, she stands firm Still beautiful, successful and fruitful Her children have to help her fulfill her dreams For she yearns to see them happy and united Living in peace, unity and tranquility Happy birthday to our motherland Happy birthday Nigeria!!! ALICE ASUQUO


When you are in love with someone, a walk in the rain becomes a welcomed chance to share an umbrella. An unexpected snow-storm provides the setting for a quiet afternoon snuggled in front of the fireplace together. What could be bad times are good when you are with the one you love. In the same way, a growing relationship with God and appreciation for His presence beside you can give you a whole new outlook on life's storms. From a short-lived cloudburst to a long and difficult winter, adversity offers yet another occassion to draw closer to the Lord you love - and who loves you even more. Nothing can happen to you that could be too small for this protective hands or big. Nothing you will ever face could be too serious, too difficult or too lasting to keep the warmth and closeness of his comfort away from your heart. When you are in love with someone, suddenly nothing matters quite so much as the fact that you are with your beloved and your beloved is with you.... SOS 6:3 ...


From north, south, east and west We all converged With overwhelming joy And gladdened hearts Nigeria we determined to serve Yes, it was a dream come true For the journey through higher institution Wasn't a walk in the park We pledged to serve Under the sun and in the rain Through the hustle and bustle We exuded an air of strength Indeed we obeyed the clarion call With dedication and selflessness Days became weeks and then months Now a year is done We are good to go... To god be the glory! Dedicated to outgoing NYSC corp members Alice Asuquo


   Depression in psychotherapy and psychiatry, is a state of mind producing serious long-term lowering of enjoyment of life or inability to visualize a happy future. It is also a period of unhappiness or low morale which lasts longer than several weeks and may include ideation of self-inflicted injury or suicide.     Although the exact cause is not known, anyone can develop depression. It could be from relationship problem, bereavement redundancy, financial problems, health issues etc.     Depressed people are prone to suicide, mental illness, drug abuse, sexual abuse, low self esteem amongst others.     There are different causes of depression so the ways of handling it varies too. I hereby suggest the following points;  1. Admit that you need help.  2. Get a friend you can talk to. It is often said that a problem shared is half solved.  3. Engage in something that drives your passion. These includes your gifts and t...


My pepper-red lipstick is wearing out My eyelashes keep pulling out Oh! The blush is fading Even my foundation too It sure made me beautiful But I feel empty now Like a well-parcelled box With no content inside Now that my makeup is off I hear a voice deep within saying That the best part of beauty Lies within the heart A beauty that age can’t wrinkle Not even distracted by a simple dimple I rather will make my heart beautiful Let the beauty radiate from within… 1Pet 3:3-4 (This is dedicated to every woman. Your inner beauty is priceless) Alice Asuquo


* Welcome every morning with a smile. Look on the new day as another special gift from your creator, another golden opportunity. - Og Mandino * Happiness cannot be travelled to, owned, earned or worn. It is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude. - Dennis Waitley * Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending. - Carl Bard i> *The starting point of all achievement is desire. - Napoleon Hill i> * Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another. - Napoleon Hill i> * In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure. - Bill Cosby i> *God is all you need, to have all your needs met. * If you give God first place, He will take you places. * when you put God first, you wont take last. * The difference between a succes...


Right inside our hearts In a corner of our minds Deep inside our thoughts Beautiful and breath-taking ideas exist Wonderful pieces of art works Future best selling books Unsung hit tracks Amazing fashion sense International-standard technologies World-class business ideas leadership strategies To mention but a few Again and again,we let these thoughts waste In the ignorance of our minds We seemingly wait For the best time to act Why not do it now Tomorrow may never come Just begin now You maybe remembered for that only After you are gone Begin I say..... JUST BEGIN (Dedicated to all those who have beautiful dreams) Alice Asuquo