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When the night is darkest
The dawn of day is breaking
Fly into new beginings
Fly into the road least travelled
For some have discovered gold therein
for the days are long but few
Fly and keep flying
For the end comes slowly and unannounced
The miracle of the sky is yours to hold
If you will just fly
Then you can reach for the sun

One more step has ushered
The ordinary into the corridor of destiny
If we wait for fair weather
Our wings may be crippled
Fly against the wind and the storm
Take the winds of mercy and fly
For even the broken wings can
Be mended by the healing balm of grace
Fly beyond the status quo
And the limits they have set
Whether it be sunny or rainy
For endless possibilities lie beyond the limit
Generations will be affected by your flight
Fly, don't look back, don't give up
Keep flying
Like the eagles, keep flying.

Mfoniso Urua


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